One integration. Infinite potential.

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One integration for all CDR data

No matter how the legislation changes or when new industry data sources are released, all CDR data is immediately available through Adatree's REST API from industries including:

  • Banking – live & connected to every Data Holder
  • Energy – live & connected to every Data Holder
  • Non-bank lending – coming soon!

Want to try it out for yourself?

Try out your own data in our Developer Portal to test consent, view and download your own banking or energy data.Access your CDR data

GET /consent

    "version": 2,
    "created": "2021-01-12T15:43:00.121Z",
    "revoked": "2021-01-12T15:43:00.121Z",
    "lastNotificationSentAt": "2021-01-12T15:43:00.121Z",
    "firstDataCollection": "2021-01-12T15:43:00.121Z",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "sharingEndDate": "2023-04-19T15:43:00.121Z",
    "consumerEmail": "",
    "dataHolderName": "ANZ",
    "dataHolderBrandId": "f632041c-d7c8-4679-a165-aa406cd62b13",
    "useCase": {
      "id": "HOME_LOAN",
      "name": "Home Loan Assessment",
      "softwareProductId": "software product id",
      "description": "Data will be used to assess your eligibility for a home loan.",
      "priority": 1,
      "historicalCollectionPeriodInDays": 90,
      "notificationType": "EMAIL",
      "scopes": [
          "name": "Bank account name, type and balance",
          "id": "bank:accounts.basic:read",
          "purpose": "This will allow us to provide best of kind service",
          "description": "This will allow us to access basic information about your accounts",
          "claims": [
            "Name of account",
            "Type of account",
            "Account balance"
          "priority": 1
      "accessFrequency": "ONCE_OFF",
      "sharingDurations": [
      "dataHolders": [
          "dataHolderBrandId": "7ff47a14-28bd-4b04-b216-67b367713a38",
          "brandName": "Westpac",
          "logoUri": ""
    "postUsageAction": "DELETION",
    "consumerId": "abedfaas-asdfsf-4asdf-1465-sfsadf3413",
    "cdrArrangementId": "86a5d068-447a-4765-95c2-6f5d85d9d658",
    "consentId": "7c7853a6-5466-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002",
    "directMarketingAllowed": false,
    "consumerMobileNumber": "00614000555666",
    "externalId": "external-id-by-adatree-customer"

With dozens of CDR implementations under our belt, we've streamlined the onboarding process and can have your non-production environment and white-labelled consent dashboard humming in as little as a day.

Whatever your use case, business size or industry, Adatree can bring you live to CDR.

Adatree consent flow on iphone

Our Front End or Yours?

With Adatree as your CDR intermediary, you have the option to use our plug-n-play consent dashboard or use our clear documentation to BYO dashboard.

Our consent dashboard is:

  • Compliant to CDR CX Guidelines and Rules
  • Tested for accessibility
  • Mobile responsive
  • Configurable for your unique use case parameters
  • White-labelled and configurable to your brand ID
  • Future-proofed to evolve with regulatory updates and expansions

Access your CDR data. You can connect your own bank account(s) to Adatree. This will help you understand how the user flow works, and what the output data looks like.

Connect to your bank

What makes our tech smarter?

Streamlined Onboarding

We support multiple IDPs and our clear documentation makes onboarding a breeze.

Speedy Deployments

Our industry sandbox and Data Recipient Platform give you the confidence to build and deploy your product to your customers.

Flexible UI Solutions

You can either BYO UI or save time and resources with Adatree's white-labelled consent dashboard.

Set and Forget

Change is the only constant. We guarantee our technology will always be compliant with CX standards and regulations.

Automated Client Registration

Our automated Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) means new Data Holders are added to the Adatree platform in minutes (not weeks!) after they're added to the register.

Secure Environment

Our ADR accreditation and ASAE3150 audit let you bypass the red tape and trust that your data access is always fully compliant.


If you know Adatree, you know we take data security very seriously.

As an Accredited Data Recipient (ADR), we have to meet the highest security standards legislated in Australia and we're audited and penetration-tested continuously. We passed our ASAE3150 Information Security Assurance Report after a government review, and we conduct ongoing monitoring of all customer environments.

And rest assured, every Adatree partner has undergone a stringent audited review of their capabilities.