User flows

Create a new consent

Create consent success user flow.
  1. The user navigates from the Pre consent Website or App to the Adatree Dashboard
  2. The user confirms their consent options and is automatically navigated to their Data Holder's website.
  3. The user approves the consent request and is automatically navigated back to the Adatree Dashboard.
  4. The Adatree Dashboard finalises the consent and automatically navigates the user back to the Pre consent Website using the configured success redirect URL.
Value Description
success redirect URL

Redirect URL to be used on successful completion of a consent. Please contact the Adatree team to configure this URL

Error from Data Holder

Create consent user flow with error from data-holder.
  1. The user navigates from the Pre consent Website or App to the Adatree Dashboard
  2. The user confirms their consent options and is automatically navigated to their Data Holder's website.
  3. The user encounters an error or cancels the consent.
  4. The Adatree Dashboard automatically navigates the user back to the Pre consent Website using the configured error redirect URL.
Value Description Example
error redirect URL

A user is automatically redirected to this URL if an error is returned to the Dashboard application from the Data Holder website. This can include a user manually cancelling their consent, a network error or a processing error.[error]&error_description=[errorDescription]



[error] is replaced with a URL encoded Error Code, [errorDescription] is replaced with a URL encoded Error Description.

Error from Adatree Dashboard

create consent user flow with error from dashboard.
  1. The user navigates from the Pre consent Website or App to the Adatree Dashboard
  2. The user encounters an error or cancels the consent.
Value Description Example
error redirect URL

A user is automatically redirected to this URL if an error has occurred in the Dashboard. This can include a user manually cancelling their consent, a network error or a processing error.[error]&error_description=[errorDescription]



[error] is replaced with a URL encoded Error Code, [errorDescription] is replaced with a URL encoded Error Description.

Error Codes

Code Description

This error is set by the Data Holder. It normally indicates an invalid access attempt, however, some Data Holders send this error code even if the user has authenticated and then manually cancelled the consent.

usr_opt_out A user has manually opted (cancelled) out of the consent from the Adatree Dashboard.

A user has manually clicked the data holder is not listed option and cannot proceed with the consent flow.